
Hadrosaurus Software
Based in the United States

Founding date:
May 2, 2022


Press / Business Contact:

Fediverse (Mastodon): @HadroSoft
Bluesky: @hadrosaurus.net
YouTube: @hadrosaurus_software

Enigma Heart
The Aching
In Silence Waits (TBA)


Hadrosaurus Software is an independent game development studio founded to create games that reflect diverse perspectives and prioritize meaningful storytelling, resonating with underserved audiences while offering universal appeal. Our mission is to provide players with unique, inclusive experiences that reflect their stories and foster a sense of belonging.


Early history: Evolution of a Vision

Founded in 2022 by Clarissa Toney, Hadrosaurus Software is a dynamic and passionate solo studio, supported by a talented freelance art team. The studio is currently developing Enigma Heart, a nostalgic, queer-positive tribute to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. This phase marks a fresh beginning for Hadrosaurus Software, emerging from the challenges of restructuring after the dissolution of its original team. The lessons learned during this transition have reshaped the studio’s mission, reinforcing its commitment to inclusivity, community, and artistic freedom. With a renewed focus on games that celebrate identity and creativity, Hadrosaurus Software continues to forge its own path in the industry.

The Traditional Studio

Before adopting its current structure, Hadrosaurus Software operated as a traditional studio, bringing together a diverse team of creators working on various projects under one roof. Over time, personal circumstances led team members to move on, but despite these challenges, the studio remained resilient. One of the most significant achievements from this period was the release of The Aching, a horror adventure game developed in 2023 by then-team member Tamsin “the Lobdegg” Mugg. This success demonstrated the studio’s adaptability and helped solidify an ongoing collaboration with Tamsin, who is now developing a second title, In Silence Waits, set to be published by Hadrosaurus Software.

Our Past... and Future

Long before the studio’s evolution, Clarissa worked solo on Acronia, a side-scrolling action platformer that, while never progressing beyond alpha, garnered significant praise from the DOS and retrogaming communities. Though unfinished, Acronia remains a key part of the studio’s journey and continues to serve as inspiration. Plans are in place to revisit the project following the release of Enigma Heart, reimagining it as a retro-inspired title for modern systems. This revival will be powered by the Enigma Heart engine, integrating the valuable lessons learned throughout Hadrosaurus Software’s development journey.



The Aching release trailer YouTube

Acronia teaser trailer (original DOS prototype)  YouTube

download logo files as .zip (315 kB)

Team & Repeating Collaborators

Clarissa Toney
Founder, programmer, game designer, director

Emily Szabó
Pixel artist, art director

Martijn Frazer

Character illustrations

Tamsin Mugg
Programmer, game designer

Rose Frye
Pixel artist

Adapted from presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer)