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October 12, 2020


Less than three weeks left to go in the DOS Games Fall Jam, and I need to start focusing on getting as many game features in as possible, instead of working on under-the-hood engine stuff that can wait until later.

The three biggies left to do:

Had a lot of fun drawing the new enemy, the "Bruiser." He's a big motherfucker. Probably going to treat him like Barons of Hell in Doom: a miniboss to start off with, and then a semi-regular "normal" enemy in later, harder levels.
- To do
+ Done
/ In progress
X Not a bug / won't fix

/ Implement Bruiser
    + Graphics
    - Behavior
+ Add score popups
+ BUG: player can get stuck in floor if grabbing a sufficiently low
  ledge (ex.: boxes on top floor of E1M1)
+ BUG: game can softlock in E1M1 secret room (room on top level that
  reveals yellow key -- if you stay in the room, the door closes and you
  get locked in. Add a way to open door from the inside)
+ Fix Enemy::canSeePlayer so that it does a simple line-of-sight check
  (tile-based check is sufficient)
+ BUG: invincibility isn't being applied when player takes damage if
  armor > 0
+ Add point totals (and displays) for killing enemies
+ Simplify weapon handling:
    + Remove ammo limits
    + Remove coach gun
    + Remove minimum shot count (chaingun)
+ BUG: player doesn't stick to platform when platform is moving downward
+ BUG: horizontally-flipped sprites are drawn incorrectly when at the
  very left or right edges of the screen
+ BUG: character select screen not drawing properly
+ Finish re-drawing Allie's sprites
- Work on sprites for other characters: Roslyn -> Harry -> Dad -> Buddy
- Make two or three more levels
- Record demos for all levels
- Implement conveyors and a few other hazards
- PC speaker sounds
- High score table (integrate into demo loop)
- Don't load in player graphics until that character is the active
  player (this will reduce load time -- and overall memory requirements
  by only having one set of graphics in memory at a time)
- User settings should load from a file (currently hardcoded)
- Don't allow player to fire weapon when in special states (hanging,
  climbing, sliding, etc)
- Add frameskip option
- Modify player to use separate leg and torso sprites -- Player object
  should use two Spriteset members